Knowledge Base Section 7: Declaration

Ensure the right people have signed in the right places.

Section 7 must be read and signed by those who have responsibility, some legal, for Key Roles for your study i.e. the applicant, the data custodian, the main contact for the lead organisation and, where applicable, the student supervisor.

If an amendment is submitted for an approved application, the HSC-PBPP have to be assured that the signatories have seen and accepted the change and any change of risk to the data subject, applicant, or their organisation. 

Section 7 should be updated to show this.

Links to the other sections

Section 1: People Involved

Section 2: Organisations & Bodies

Section 3: Overview

Section 4: Data, Data Subjects and Methodology 

Section 5: Safe Data Processing and Security

Section 6: Outputs and Dissemination 

Section 7: Declaration


Here is an example of a completed HSC-PBPP Application using fictional data.

Back to How to Apply

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