Completed Projects

As part of the NHS Scotland Public Benefit and Privacy Panel for Health and Social Care (HSC-PBPP) approval process, applicants agree to provide an End of Project Report and Benefit Summary.

This summary is publicly shared when applicants reach their approved project end date in order to:-

1. inform the public of the benefit achieved,

2. inform the research community,

3. show what went well,

4. show what was learned,

5. show what could be improved.

The people of Scotland can be assured that their personal data has been safely processed to produce the expected benefit to the health and wellbeing of the people of Scotland (and beyond if necessary data processing safeguards are in place), learning can be shared and the legal processing of their personal data, was justified.

End of Project Reports and Benefit Summaries.

The list is divided into allocated reference number ranges. For example a reference number of 2122-1234 may indicate when the application was received by PHS eDRIS from April 2021 to 2022 and not necessarily when it was approved by NHS HSC-PBPP.

The lists will be updated as projects end and applicants return their report and benefit summary to HSC-PBPP.

End of Project Reporting summaries 2015-2016

End of Project Reporting Summaries 2016-2017

End of Project Reporting Summaries 2017-2018

End of Project Reporting Summaries 2018-2019

End of Project Reporting Summaries 2019-2020

End of Project Reporting Summaries 2020-2021

End of Project Reporting Summaries 2021-2022